Signal Hill Eye Clinic: Hypertension and Eye Health

Unraveling the Connection: Hypertension and Retinal Health

Are you experiencing any vision problems or discomfort? Are you a hypertension patient? If yes, then sudden fall in your retinal health might be a cause of your high blood pressure (hypertension). 

These days most middle-aged people suffer from high blood pressure. Their physician usually educated them that if they didn't control their hypertension it may harm their heart and kidneys. However, some physicians don't discuss its side effects on the retinal health of individuals.

So, if you are a hypertension patient and are concerned about your retinal health, don't take it lightly. Below, Signal Hill Eye Clinic experts have shared about the connection between hypertension and retinal health. Read this article to educate yourself.

Do you know about the Central Retinal Artery?

The scientific name for central retinal artery is the retinal vasculature. The central retinal artery is a small blood vessel in the eye that supplies blood to the retina, which is the part of the eye that helps you see. 

If this artery gets blocked or damaged, it can cause vision problems or even blindness. It's important for eye health! Sometimes changes in this artery have been observed due to hypertension and diabetes.

How does hypertension damage the retina?

Hypertension can cause serious damage to the retina in different ways. Read below to learn about them all.

1. Arteriosclerosis

If you have been facing hypertension issues for years, the risk is high. Because prolonged hypertension can cause the retinal arteries to become rigid and thicker. Such a type of condition is called arteriosclerosis. When blood vessels get narrow it can stop blood flow to the retina and potentially lead to vision problems.

2. Retinal Vein Occlusion

Hear about RVO (Retinal Vein Occlusion)? It is categorized as Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion (BRVO), and Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO). It is a rare condition in which one of the veins in the retina gets blocked. Due to blockages blood flow stops which subsequently causes damage to the retinal tissue. In many cases, the major reason for RVO has been diagnosed as hypertension. Sometimes it can wreak havoc as blood spreads into the retina causing swelling, impaired vision and vision loss.

3. Choroidopathy

Between the sclera and the retina, there is a layer of blood vessels called Choroidopathy. Due to hypertension, patients face eye issues as this vessel gets damaged and blood flow gets reduced. In severe cases, it restricts nutrients, and oxygen leading to several vision problems.

How can one control the retinal health effects of hypertension?

The best suggestion shared by most eye clinics Calgary is to control hypertension. For better eye health maintain your blood pressure below 120/80 mmHG. It will also improve your overall health.

Medicines: Doctors usually suggest antihypertensive prescriptions to manage blood pressure.

Stress Management: Connect with fitness, yoga or meditation experts as they will suggest the best technique to cope with stress and control hypertension.

Lifestyle modifications: One easy way to control hypertension and improve your eye health is to change your lifestyle. Follow regular exercise, avoid excess drinking of alcohol, and consume healthy food.

Monthly or quarterly Eye Exams: Regular eye exams can help you know about retinal health and can help you improve before conditions become severe.

Last Words!

Signal Hill Eye Clinic suggests that when you are a hypertension patient, you are at a risk of many health issues.

Do visit your eye specialist or optometrist in Calgary for a comprehensive eye exam to diagnose such kinds of issues before they become severe. Remember, your eyes are your window to the world—without them, everything becomes a dark place.


Can hypertension cause permanent vision loss?

Yes, it has been observed in many cases in which patients lose their vision permanently because of the side effects caused by hypertension.

What are the signs of hypertensive retinopathy?

Some common signs of hypertensive retinopathy are optic disc swelling, narrowed blood vessels and others.


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