
Showing posts from January, 2024

Are Colored Contact Lenses Safe? Let’s Know

People sometimes get intimated about buying colored lenses because there are several scary stories related to it. Such as some folks felt difficulty with the colored lens like it causes inflammation and irritation. However, it happens only when you use a low-quality lens.  Eye Clinic Calgary experts are of the view to always make use of high-quality lenses to keep eyes healthy. In this blog, we will discuss the primary dos and don’ts of using colored lenses.  Apart from this, how one must put these lenses and ways to choose safe lenses. So, let us have a look:  Do’s and Don’ts to Wear Colored Lens  At first, the folks must consult the concerned optometrist to get to know if the colored lens suits them or not.  It’s important to wash hands before putting in lenses and also make use of anti-bacterial soap to clean the hands before.  Make sure you make use of the lint-free towel to make sure that you do not transfer impurities to the lens when handling it.  The experts always opine that

OCT Scans: What is It and Why it is Crucial?

Various optometrists in Calgary are of the view that OCT scans are an integral part of eye exams. So, these have to be done in case anyone confronts any kind of eye issue or ailment.  During the eye examination, the optometrist Calgary AB , takes the whole scan of your eye to gauge any sign of abnormalities using the OCT scans. They can see the back of your eye in detail with these scans so that they can tell you the main problem your eyes are going through.  In this blog, we will tell you how these scans hold a crucial space in eye exams along with telling you the basic know-how about it.  What is done in the OCT Eye Test?  OCT, also known as Optical Coherence Tomography, is a low-invasive tool that takes pictures of the back of your eye also called Retina. White taking the test, different layers of the retina are captured to see different tissue sections. This method produces an image measuring the amount of red dim light that comes from the retina and the optic nerve.  Why OCT scans