
What Are The Early Morning Warning Signs Of Weak Eyes?

If one is not aware of one’s eye health, then it is important to gauge the early symptoms. People often suffer from different eye ailments and sometimes they get to know about it late.  If you consult the best optometrist Calgary AB , he would say that one can assess one’s eye issues by knowing how the early morning condition of the eyes.   When we wake up, we get various signs for our health, be it our mental health or our eye conditions. So, in this blog, we will be emphasizing the early morning signs of weaker eye health. So, let’s have a look:  Early Morning Signs Of Weaker Eye Health Tired & Achy Eyes  In the morning, tired and achy eyes are the first symptoms of weaker eye health. Your eyes might feel restless and hard to focus on objects.  This can be caused due to overtime spent on screens, fatigued eyes, or also if there is any underlying eye diseases.  Tired and strained eyes often lead to other physical problems as well, so these must be treated early.  Light Sensitiv

How Poor Mental Health Affects Your Eyes?

Although our eyes are frequently referred to as the windows to the soul, they can also act as mirrors, reflecting the condition of our mental health. The deep relationship between numerous issues connected to the eyes and poor mental health has been brought to light by studies in recent years by eye clinic Calgary .  In order to highlight the intriguing connection between the two, this blog post will examine the ways in which our emotional and psychological well-being might affect the health of our eyes. So, let’s have a look:  Link Between Stress & Eye Health  Glaucoma  Chronic stress becomes the lead cause of glaucoma issues in the eyes. The elevated cortisol levels increase the intraocular pressure that causes this disease and this high intraocular pressure can damage the optic nerve which damages the vision over time.  Dry Eyes  The stress problem causes tear reduction in the eyes and causes dry eye issues. Apart from this, worries can also lead to an increase in the inflammati

Are Colored Contact Lenses Safe? Let’s Know

People sometimes get intimated about buying colored lenses because there are several scary stories related to it. Such as some folks felt difficulty with the colored lens like it causes inflammation and irritation. However, it happens only when you use a low-quality lens.  Eye Clinic Calgary experts are of the view to always make use of high-quality lenses to keep eyes healthy. In this blog, we will discuss the primary dos and don’ts of using colored lenses.  Apart from this, how one must put these lenses and ways to choose safe lenses. So, let us have a look:  Do’s and Don’ts to Wear Colored Lens  At first, the folks must consult the concerned optometrist to get to know if the colored lens suits them or not.  It’s important to wash hands before putting in lenses and also make use of anti-bacterial soap to clean the hands before.  Make sure you make use of the lint-free towel to make sure that you do not transfer impurities to the lens when handling it.  The experts always opine that

OCT Scans: What is It and Why it is Crucial?

Various optometrists in Calgary are of the view that OCT scans are an integral part of eye exams. So, these have to be done in case anyone confronts any kind of eye issue or ailment.  During the eye examination, the optometrist Calgary AB , takes the whole scan of your eye to gauge any sign of abnormalities using the OCT scans. They can see the back of your eye in detail with these scans so that they can tell you the main problem your eyes are going through.  In this blog, we will tell you how these scans hold a crucial space in eye exams along with telling you the basic know-how about it.  What is done in the OCT Eye Test?  OCT, also known as Optical Coherence Tomography, is a low-invasive tool that takes pictures of the back of your eye also called Retina. White taking the test, different layers of the retina are captured to see different tissue sections. This method produces an image measuring the amount of red dim light that comes from the retina and the optic nerve.  Why OCT scans

Caring for Your Child's Eyes: Pediatric Eye Health Tips

As parents, we always work hard to give our kids the utmost care possible to ensure their general physical progress and well-being. Among everything, a child's vision is an important health factor that is commonly overlooked. A child's general development, social connections, and academic performance all significantly depend on their eye health. So, one must always upkeep a kid's eye health by consulting the topmost eye clinic Calgary optometrists.   We'll discuss the value of taking good care of your child's eyes in this blog article and provide helpful advice on how to preserve their visual health. So, let’s put a look:  Regular Eye Exams  Annual eye examinations are essential for children's eye health. Plan for your child to get their first eye exam done at six months of age, and then follow up with more exams when the child is three years old and ready to attend school. These tests have the ability to detect possible problems early on, enabling prompt inter

Questions To Ask From Optometrists For The Best Eye Care

Eye care is essential for your overall well-being and regular visits to your concerned optometrists Calgary ab is too crucial for maintaining good eye vision. Therefore, you must visit your eye care specialists regularly so that you can get your eye issue diagnosed and get treatment early. However, it is also pertinent to know what questions you must ask from your eye care specialists about your eye health.  In this blog, we will talk about what questions you must ask your eye care specialists regarding your eye health but before that, we will tell you some basic tips for your daily eye care. So, let's take a look:  Basic Tips For Your Eye Care  Eat a healthy balanced diet  Wear sunglasses  Wear protective eyewear that you need  Avoid smoking Do regular exercise  Know your other risk factors  Let’s see some of the questions one must ask the Eye Care Specialists for your eye health:  How should I protect my eyes?  The most important question to ask your concerned optometrist is how

Glaucoma Awareness: Detecting the Silent Thief of Sight

People mostly suffer from various eye diseases like cataracts, low vision, diabetic retinopathy, and so on. Out of the most intense ones, one of the age-related eye disorders is glaucoma which develops when the optic nerve of the eye becomes damaged. People must visit the eye clinic Calgary experts instantly when they find any kind of symptom related to it.  Here in this blog, we will navigate you through this common eye disorder, its risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis as well and detection, and also how to manage and control it. But before that, we would first understand what Glaucoma is.  What is Glaucoma?  Glaucoma is an eye condition that has a damaging impact on the optic nerve, which is the vital link between the eyes and the brain. This damage occurs often due to the increased pressure in the eye that ultimately affects the peripheral vision and eventually leads to total blindness. The main threat of this eye disease is that it progresses silently and painlessly causing vision l